Fergie Street

North Fitzroy

Design and construction of renovations to a small terrace house in order to resolve the internal layout as the cramped, decrepit bathroom and laundry separated the living areas from the private open space.

The site is modest, being less than 120m² in total area. Much of the existing subfloor had been damaged by termites and had to be replaced, and demolition of an adjacent house damaged the footings of the property causing 30mm rotation of the boundary wall which necessitated urgent repair of the 100 year old structure.

The laundry and bathroom were moved from the rear skillion roofed area inward to the location of the former dining room, which had the benefits of opening up the rear living areas to the private open space, while reducing the distance from the bedrooms to the bathroom. The new open plan living area benefits from large east-facing windows for better solar access and provides a living space more conducive to the growing family’s requirements.

Construction Gallery


Fenwick Street